

How are you doing procrastinator people?, this time I have you the imeem, is a social page like facebook but whit an important difference, it's not made for search people or play mini games, the object of this page is look for music, videos and photos, also has a music and video player made in flash, you can listen music, watch videos and make play list whit 'em, let me tell you this page contains a lot of rare music and videos, most of 'em are complete, and you can listen music of other people even if they are your friends or not, as the music player is made in flash you just need the flash player plug-in installed in your browser but not codecs, here I let you the website to explore it, and if you ask why to have an account here I tell you it pretty useful in the job or the school computers, you can watch your videos or listen your music without download it, full the hard disk and you just need the browser, flash player plug-in, and no codecs


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